I have vowed to turn over a new leaf this year and try to be as professional a manager as possible. I already know what your all thinking: “Ha, that will last about two days!” Your wrong. This year if someone complains (bitches) about something I will be prepared. I am going to show up to every game, practice & team meeting with a special clipboard and writing implement to promptly shove in the complainers face and tell them if they don’t like it and feel they can do a better job then I would be so extremely grateful if they would shut up and take on the job themselves. It’s all fair and good to stand on the sidelines and bitch but I predict that most of the bitchees will not step up and do the actual work. I will try my very best to do this in a very diplomatic, respectful manner.
My saving grace in this whole adventure is that the Head Coach is just as sarcastic as I am (if not more) and whenever I go off on a crazed tangent about an ‘issue’ (lets be honest here the issues are usually the parents) he either supports my decision to smack someone or calms me down enough that I will not end up on Jerry Springer’s first ever Sport Managers Gone Postal episode. However supportive Coach is I am already anticipating our first Manager – Coach argument: The Road Trip.
NOT. GOING. TO. HAPPEN. Need I remind you of last year’s fiasco?
I will be calm, I will be calm, I will be calm.
I mean come on people its not the NLL were talking here (yet?).