I always said I would never, ever join a gym. There are too many steroid monkeys strutting around and it is a serious workout hazard trying to dodge all the big floaty egos. I am also extremely self conscious about looking like a gumby when I work out and I have a tendency to put on my workout gear inside out. Both of which are not really an issue when you run by yourself or with a very kind running partner.
Alas, I realized quite quickly into this working far, far away thing that with the long work day and the even longer commute, there are days I just cannot (or don't want) to run or work out by the time I get home. This is a big problem during the sport seasons where I get home from work, cram a cracker in my gullet and get back in the damn car to some athletic endeavor that is not mine. So I reluctantly joined the gym at work. Super convenient. I have an hour long lunch break that I was just using as a hour long nap time in my car so the gym, it turns out, is a way better use of my time. I sorta thought the gym at work might be full of just regular old nice people who all work together. I. Was. Wrong. Holy crap. This gym may not be full of roid monkeys like most gyms but in three entire months of attending not one single person has expressed any interest in being friendly (and yes, I do smile at them to see if they are friendly gym creatures) but nothing, not even a slight nod. What is with these people? Are they to important to be nice to others? Are they so into focusing on their workout that they are incapable of friendly overtures? (Side Bar: I was a little worried that it might just be me and they could see right through my crazy but I noticed that none of them talk to each other either, even in the changing room. Nothing. Not a word!) Despite the gym snobs I continue to go as often as I can talk myself into it (even though I hate every single minute and many of the minutes afterwards during the annoying "after sweat" when I am sitting at my desk trying to NOT pass out from over heating!). I will also continue to smile at the Gym Snobs until I wear one of them down and they suddenly decide that they are either sick of me smiling like an idiot at them or they get a freaking personality. Whichever comes first!