June 21, 2018


In order to squash the rumours I would like to formally indicate here that I have not joined a cult, secret society or radical sect.  I am fine.  Actually even better than fine (thank you very much).   I have also NOT become a Birkenstock wearing environmentalist, an animal activist or a hemp bag toting, no make up wearing, earth loving nut bar.  Please take a deep breath and relax……..  all I am doing is not eating meat.  It is not a big deal.  Millions of people do it.  I am not running off to the hills to grow a damn garden and live off the land.  I am JUST NOT EATING MEAT.  For the most part, people in my life don’t give a shit what I eat.  Some of them are even supportive and dare I say interested.  I have never in my life had to defend my eating choices.  Ever.  Not a single person ever asked me why I ate nachos, French fries and burgers (and I might add here none of those things are actually good for you!).  Having people question my eating of vegetables and other healthy food has been an extreme eye opener.  All I want to really say is that I am eating healthy out of a sheer selfish desire to be healthy (not to mention feel good and not add to my fat cell count and possible plaque hiding in my arteries).  I understand that the word “selfish” is in that sentence and most people find negative connotations with that word.  I understand as well that I may offend some people by this selfish, self-centered  desire to be healthy.  It really is, honestly, a choice that effects NO ONE except me.   On that note, I could see if I suddenly took up smoking…. then if people asked me what the hell I was thinking, I would get it, but meat?  Come on people!  Not only that I by no means push my “no longer eating meat” agenda on anyone!  I am super happy to talk about the new foods I have discovered and how suddenly the previously much hated vegetables taste amazing!    I have a ton of friends who don’t eat seafood, brussel sprouts, mushrooms…. the list goes on, but you don’t see me showing distain towards them because they don’t eat something that I like.  Nor would I harass them about it.  It just doesn’t effing matter.  When people ask me about why I don’t eat meat and am I suddenly weak with protein deficiency all I want to say is “I just don’t want to and really?  Educate yourself about protein!”  but alas I stumble about and try and “defend” myself which is uncomfortable and wrong.   I suppose at the end of the day those who applaud your decisions to be healthy are the ones who really want you to stick around longer than the ones who look at you sideways like you have joined a religious cult. 

June 13, 2018

This Is What It Has Come To......

This is soon to be the central focus of my wardrobe:

I can dress it up with a fancy necklace and blingy flip flops.  

*This post brought to you by the "after lunch uncomfortables" and or "water retention fun" 

June 11, 2018

The Last Road Trip

I have officially come to the end of an era.  This past weekend I went on my last sports related road trip with the youngest Money Sucker.  No, it was not bittersweet.  No, I did not relish all that was wonderful about sport road trips.  I did, however, have to remind myself over and over again that the pain and suffering I was going through was for the youngest fella, it was the last official time I would have to participate in the likes of this again AND I could now start spending bundles of money on road trips to places and during times I actually WANT to!  No more really scary motels with substandard cleaning practices.  No more dodgy buffet meals with a pack of idiot teenagers and definitely no long, painful drives to parts unknown with passengers who speak very little human.  Yes, the kid has his road trip memories for which I seriously doubt he will sit back and show appreciation to us for all the time and money spent to attend these memory makers!  I have no wistful feelings of how much I am going to miss these trips because, apart from the odd brewery trip or party with some of the sport parents, I am so ready to close the chapter on this book.  Let the real vacations begin!