November 14, 2019

Can I Get A Do Over?

No posting since March?  Yes, that is right.  I have a hard time writing when fully embroiled in a shit storm.  Sarcasm turns into nasty negativity and no one wants to read that.  That said, it has been a super shitty year so far.   The entire freaking year.  If I could, I would formally request a Do Over, but alas that is not an option so I am choosing to look at next year with the most positive effing attitude that I can muster up.  (I would like to add there is one aside to this – the addition of a very special, super cute puppy.  He has been the one bright spot of happiness – with a teeny bit of stress attached.)  I have read many times that if humans lose hope they also lose their ability to let joy into their lives.  This I totally understand.  Once you lose hope that there is the possibility of change when times are tough, a sense of hopelessness most certainly follows.  It has taken me many months of trying to figure out how to handle all that has been dropped on me and it took quite some time before I realized that I cannot let myself lose hope that good things can and will happen.  Although part of me worries that I will need to have a Bury My Head in the Sand contingency plan, just in case I can’t find some sliver of happiness to look forward to, I will continue to delude myself into thinking that all will work out in the end. 

Until then, I will continue to try my best not to commit any justifiable crimes, run off and join the circus OR voluntarily commit myself.  A girls gotta have goals!