September 1, 2009

Book Reviews - Archive - Oct 2009, Confessions of a Serial Dater & Wimpy Kid Book 1

Book review started with a comment to a dear friend "my dream career is to be able to read books all day!" After reading every book on her shelf, I then got OMG what did you think of that one? How about this one? Well, when you read as many books as I do..... sometimes the stories blend. I decided to keep a blog of my personal book reviews for those times when you look at a book and wonder "did I read this already?" That and one can never be sure if memory loss is going to become a close personal friend any time soon. Actually if memory loss does kick in it will make book reading cheap - I can just re-read the same book over again and it will be a new book every time!

Review - AKA My Opinion - Just finished the first Wimpy Kid book this morning (yes with the boy, no I was not reading it to myself or the cat - really!) This book is a keeper! Thank goodness I ordered the whole set because I would have been driving out to look for the next book in the series - today! Seriously, if you are looking for a Christmas present for your kid, boy or girl, this is it! Totally hilarious!

Confessions of a Serial Dater - Michelle Cunnah - Cute book, easy read, quite predictable. That's all I got. On to other things....