September 6, 2011

The Interruption

Since this topic suddenly seems to be in the forefront of recent communications, I will have to address/subject you all to my opinion on this.  I have had some lengthy conversations as of late about the “interruption” and its various forms.  The way I see it, there are a few types of conversation interruptions.  With varying degrees of piss off when it should happen.   I welcome any comments on new or yet undiscovered methods of interruptions.

1.       The Hen – this is the type of interruption where you get a bunch of chicks together in one space and they all try to out talk each other, therefore each “story” takes about six hours to complete.  This type is even more chronic if the chicks involved have not seen each other for some time.  Like a week.  This one - not so bad and completely understandable.   Almost a necessity.

2.       The Holy Shit – this is one of the only times a conversation can/should be interrupted.  Car hurling at you and going to run you over? Big ass spider sitting on you?  Guy with an axe?  Interrupt away people.  These are good reasons.

3.       The Huh – this one is among my top 10.  What top 10?  How about things that piss me off.  This occurs when you are having a conversation with people and someone in the room interrupts your conversation with some obscure topic that has absolutely nothing to do with what is being talked about.  This type can also happen, apparently, when there are only a couple of people present.  When someone does this to you, they are just not interested in what you are saying and you obviously bore the living hell outta them.

4.       The What? – this borders on funny.  Unless you are the one talking – then not so funny.  This offence occurs when a person leaves the room, the people in the room are mid-conversation and the offender comes back in the room and, without bothering to look/hear if there is a conversation going on, gets all yelly and talks overtop of the people in the room.  Come on.  Really?

5.       The Are You Done? – this happens when a person finishes your sentences for you and does not bother to find out if that was what you were meaning to say.  Kinda a conversation stopper.  No?

I am sure there are more.  When did we all stop listening?   Isn’t there something to be said for a person who actually listens or shows an interest in what you are saying?  Maybe that’s why we all text, BBM and email so much.  No one wants to take the time to listen.  Sad really.   I think habitual interrupting is one of the most blatant forms of disrespect.  Even if your not interested in the rising cost of chicken feed or the inner workings of fuel injection, is it not respectful to at least listen?  Hell, we all might actually learn something if we just stop freakin talking and start freakin listening.