Here we go again! Halloween barely gets wrapped up and we get inundated with Christmas. Every store I have been in over the last week is piping Christmas music and the race is already on to find the “perfect” gift. It’s ridiculous really, not to mention being very bad for us! We just finish the Thanksgiving left overs, hop from that right into little delicious candy bars only to start with the Christmas cheer (egg nog and other spirits), cookies and the oh so heavenly box of chocolates! (Don’t even get me started on stuffing and gravy. I would probably drink gravy if I lived alone!) No wonder so many people carry the pudge! For heavens sake we need a period of fasting! You would also think with all the shopping and running around doing all the Christmas prep stuff that it would automatically cancel out some of the calories ingested during this time. Not so much.
I have been counting down the years where, upon the arrival of Christmas, I can hop on a plane and go somewhere warm and sunny and forget about cookies, turkey and presents, but alas I was put in my place by the youngest money sucker who reminded me that there will always and forever be hockey tournaments right around the time I would be sipping on my pina colada. Darn it all anyway. That means I have another eight or nine years before this dream happens.
That or foreign boarding school baby!