Anyone who has had a child in sports knows that the best sport seasons are the ones where the parents all get along and have a great time. Non-sport parents would think the best seasons would have to be when the child's team wins or goes to some fancy playoff thing. This is absolutely NOT the case. If you have a bunch of wack-job parents on the team they can absolutely ruin a sport season hands down, whether or not the team is winning or losing. I have had the misfortune of having to deal with some of said "crazies". From parents who steal money from other parents and other associations, to bitching out team officials publicly, to losing their pickles because their Johnny isn't regarded as the next "superstar", I have seen almost everything. A few of us have often joked that when a team is picked it is more important to interview the parents than the kid. Who cares if the kid isn't the next Sidney Crosby or Gait off spring, if his parents are awesome and like to have a good time - he's in (or she, don't want to be sexist).
So that leads me to this past LAX season. Most of us are sorry to see it end. Not only was the team rocking out the wins and the coaches were amazing but the crazy group of kids all got along so well it was a bit of a shock. Usually there is one nutty apple in the basket. Shockingly, not this time. And the parents? Well, some of us might have gotten along as well. Maybe to well actually. I dare to say a group of us might be going through a little withdrawal right now. Friday nights are going to be boring for awhile. It was an interesting lacrosse season for me. The season started out with flies and lies and ended with beers and giggles. Sometimes things just have a way of working themselves out, don't they?