August 3, 2013
Inquiring minds want to know... or so it seems??
I was asked the other day how my Grouse Grind "training" was going. Well, I am happy to report that the back pain is gone and I am full on into the working out I promised myself I was going to do to prepare. Yes, I have ridden my stationary bike AT LEAST three times in the last month! How that is going to help me climb a mountain is WAY beyond me but it has to be better than just sitting around growing. Although my trusty Blackberry has been sending me daily reminders that the climb is coming, I have made the conscious effort to mentally prepare myself as well. It's called DEE-NILE. Some of us are better at it than others. In this case I am the zen master of the denial train, which has served me well so far, until I stand at the base of the mountain the morning of the big climb with thoughts of grandeur about getting my fat ass to the top. Maybe if one of the money suckers runs up the hill ahead of me with a bottle of wine and a chocolate bar I will be more motivated to get to the top. Huh. There's a thought. I may or may not report back my success (I would put "or failure" here but failure is not an option unless an air ambulance needs to be called - which is extremely likely).