September 16, 2013
It's all in a name.....
I have a friend that I have been struggling with her “code” name for quite some time. I have the name but it just hasn’t seemed to be politically correct (even though she chuckles when I call her it)! The revised acronym JCP simply cannot be pronounced. Of course, when I put some vowels in the mix I always end up with Jackalope. I am sure my friend would love to be considered a “mythical creature” however any time “Jack” is involved in a name my first thought is to add the other name for donkey. That name will NOT do. All this aside, it occurred to me the other night that JCP also stands for JC Penny! Why this revelation made the acronym better for me I have no idea however now, when including JCP in my stories, I can call her a whole boatload of new names. I can call her Jay Cee (rapper name), Penny, Princess or - best one yet – JaCkPot! You get the picture.