August 25, 2014

Back to What?

This by all accounts should be the happiest time of the year for me and a gajillion other parents.  I should be skipping the isles of Staples buying school supplies and dreading making lunches for the next ten months.  Am I doing those things?  Hell no!  Now I am not trashing either side of this ridiculous dispute however I do have an opinion about the lengthy amount of time the "negotiators" took off to enjoy their summer.  If I ran the place (and don't get me wrong here, I keep checking the ads to see if the job comes up) I would have immediately told the two sides that they were promptly forfeiting their freaking vacation until they came up with some kind of agreement.  Six weeks off to do nothing does not fly with most of us.  Get in there and get the job done.  A huge portion of the population only gets three or four weeks of vacation a YEAR so there is no reason why vacation needed to be taken during a major strike.    I don't get to take vacation when there is major stuff going on in my job, why should they!  I am almost positive that the "negotiators" would have pieced together some kind of agreement in a hurry because the pressure would have been on!  Pressure from the teacher, parents and government?  NO.  Pressure from their kids, wives (and or mistresses - yes, I just went there) and others because they had a trip planned.  They would be in France enjoying their vacation and I would be skipping the school supply isles.  Win.  Freaking.  Win.
I have been asked by many people what I am going to do with the school age money sucker if the teachers don't go back the beginning of September and my answer is oh so not very popular.  I am going to find the teachers address and drop the monster off in the morning and pick him up again in the afternoon.  THAT will put the pressure on!