November 27, 2014

Crazy Animal Lady or There's No Damn Room in the Bed!

I titled this sucker about fifteen times before I settled on the above.  It still doesn't do the actual story justice.  You decide....

My pal Hawkgirl loves her dogs.  I don't just mean love I really mean love, love.  I am almost sure she loves animals more than people.  Any animal.  Going out in public with the woman is sometimes painful.  Picture her running up to a perfect stranger exclaiming: "Ohhhh, what a cute dog (cat, bird, skunk - whatever - insert animal here.) can I pet it"?  Then the crazy ass woman gets down to dog level (or cat or deer or .... well, you get it) and practically kisses the damn thing.  All I can think about when we go out is pleasssseee don't let us see some wack job with a emu on a leash.  THAT I won't be able to handle!  Most of the time I just keep walking when she practically french kisses other peoples pets right there on the street.  (Her family members are all nodding and smiling right now.  I guarantee it!)  Anyway, I sometimes wonder if her love of animals might go to far and apparently so does her poor husband.  Guy gets up before the birds, drives hours and hours to work a very long arduous shift and has the love and respect to send his wife a delicate piece of art to display how he was feeling one particular exhausting day.

For those of you who are not familiar with the finer points of Stick Art, the girl with the perfectly coiffed hair (and skirt? Seriously, who wears a skirt to bed?)  is my friend peacefully sleeping.  The tall dude wearing the diaper (Seriously again, you drew a diaper on yourself? Who does that?) is her wide awake husband.  Large item on the bottom is clearly a very huge dog.  What might surprise you however is the spiky thing in between them that is clearly pushing the sleepless fella out is not a porcupine.  No, just a little scruffy dog.  (Although in her case a porcupine would never be out of the question!)

Message to my pals sleep deprived husband - Dude, look at the picture again.... it's not the pets!  There is clearly someone sleeping smack in the middle of that king size and she's wearing a skirt!