Yes indeed, I am officially losing my mind (and seriously questioning my mental stability). I made a commitment last week to join a team of Tough Mudders. Not just any team - a team that consists entirely of 20 and 21 year olds! In hindsight I wonder if they invited me to race so a) they look really good beside a fat, old gal or b) because it truly is fun to mock the weak! How on earth I plan to do this I have no idea. My upper body strength is nil (think struggling through maybe five girly push ups). Hell, I don't even like carrying groceries into the house! Five months to train! I had to honestly admit to a friend today that, yes I am stressing out about this adventure but my first and most consuming concern is how bad my hair is going to look. What does that tell ya? I might just be a little out of my element. I will keep you posted.