June 12, 2015

The Countdown is On

One week today I will be driving up to one of my favourite places in the world (Whistler) to be subjected to all kinds of physical stupidity and fat old lady ridicule.  I have had a few hiccups in the training since January but for the most part I have been focused and have now resigned myself to the fact that I am seriously out of time.  I am still, daily, stressing about my hair, outfit and where I am going to put my ID (because you know I am sure to get asked for ID at the end of the race when I try to buy more beer!).  Out of all this crazy training I have found that I CAN get stronger with hard work (because I can do more than one girly push up now!) and although I still can't stand exercising I have renewed my love of running (Please insert the word "hate" here instead of love.  What I do love is how I feel AFTER running, not the actual disgusting act of running!)  I have also found that working out with my oldest money sucker has not been an act of humiliation as expected but a pleasure that I hope we continue after this insane act of foolishness we all call Mudder. 

I do not plan to bring my camera to this event (because I have clearly run out of stress time as to where to put a camera!) so I will leave you with this picture that I found online.  This will be me. Count on it!
Mud Napping or Death?