Remember that song from way back in the day? (Styx, 1981 apparently. Damn. I am not even doing the math on how old I was back then. Let's just assume super, super young.) Back to the too much time issue. I have found myself suddenly plunged into having way to much time and not enough intellectually stimulating things to do. I have found myself, for the first time since high school, suddenly without a job! The first few weeks of this little adventure were okay because I was recovering from the nasty surgery and it was a blessing in disguise. I would most certainly have gone back to work to soon and not healed properly, however, now that the healing is over I am bored out of my mind. Incredibly, painfully bored. I am embarrassed to admit that I anxiously await for the oldest money sucker to come home from university with homework so I can help! Sad. So very sad. Yes, I could be scrubbing down the house from top to bottom and cleaning out cupboards and closets, however that sucks. Really, really sucks. The shit is just going to get dirty and cluttered again anyway. I need better things to do with my grey matter. I do spend at least a couple of hours every day looking for a job which has turned out to be a serious form of entertainment for me. (I am quite honestly shocked at the gall of some companies and what they are asking for in a job posting and what they are willing to pay! Now I understand the angst of those university educated students out there who are waiting tables for minimum wage!) This has given me time to sit back (way back) and reflect on the work/education choices I have made and give myself a few kicks in the you know where. The "if I had onlys" are on a repeat cycle right now. I figure this is as good a time as any to figure out what I really want to do (Yes, I still don't know. So sad.) All my work choices the last twenty years were geared solely around family and children and not around making me happy or increasing my neuron activity.
What I really need to find is a small company to work for who appreciates hard work and dedication. Not a huge corporation whose employees are just a number to all the executive level management types. Of course the dream jobs for me are most certainly fictional. Book reviewer (problem with this one is I would only want to read the books I want to read and of course, there will be sarcasm in the write ups!), Magazine/Article Writer (again, not to sure how many people want to read articles dripping in sarcasm and only on topics of which I wish to write), Alcohol/Food taster (would be super good at this job if I could find it, however part of the medical package would have to come with Betty Ford/Fat Farm stays) or Eccentric Novelist (this to would be excellent if I could write in my voice using a myriad of inappropriate curse words and, yep you guessed it, sarcasm!)
Until the time comes that I find my dream job (orrrr any job if it comes right down to it) I will continue to read every book in the library (sort of not kidding on this one), drink more coffee than I care to admit and try not to turn into a couch potato. Because if there is going to be a potato in the carb free zone I call my kitchen, I will most certainly be eating it!