May 28, 2016
The Hermit Goes Out Into The World
Well, you will all be happy to hear that I am no longer lounging around in my pajamas all day eating bon bons. I have officially started a job that requires I actually leave the house! There are real living people at my new office that I need to make eye contact with and communicate with. It has been a bit challenging but I am getting used to it. Best part so far is watching the different personalities of the people I now work with comingle. I have the luxury of just hanging back and watching the power personality struggles happen. I am also keeping myself completely neutral on all aspects of office politics/drama and hope to keep it that way. I am learning a lot so my brain is happy. Biggest challenge so far? Finding my damn car in the parking lot after hours and hours of being locked up inside! The second day I literally walked around hitting the lock button on my car so it would beep if I got near it! I was beside myself. When I got home the youngest money sucker told me to just take a picture of the number on the parking spot after I got out of my car in the morning. Kid has moments of brilliance, however fleeting. I did this for a week or so and now I have just decided that taking out my phone that early in the morning is way too much work so I just park the damn car in the same row every day. That way I am not wandering around looking at numbers and if my car is NOT in that row then someone “borrowed” it forever. It is way too early to tell how this working outside of the house social experiment is going to go but on the plus side the location I work at has a Starbucks AND a sleep clinic. Maybe I can get some help with the insomnia and if all else fails I can always move my desk into the Starbucks!