June 23, 2017

New Career?

As I was sitting in traffic yesterday making up new names for the stupid, bad drivers (douche nugget) it hit me that I should probably have my own morning and traffic show on the radio.   I would even be willing to hop into a whirling death machine to provide the most accurate traffic reports for my listeners (of course bringing along my friend Ativan).   It would be a very honest and forthright reporting of true traffic events.   Here is just a small sample of the reports:

“Asshat in Blue Dodge pick-up truck on the 91 Highway driving in the fast lane not letting people pass.  If same blue dodge is witnessed as pushed off the side of the road, please do not stop and assist.  Douche deserves to wait!”

“It’s Idiot Thursday people.  Just try to get home safe as fast as you can.  Who knows what is going to happen out there today!”

“This morning’s traffic report brought to you by the nut jobs who slow the eff down to stare at every car that happens to be pulled over on the highway or accident that occurred on the OTHER side of the highway.  Stop looking and start driving people!”

“Minivan on the highway commute home who is pissing everyone off hitting the breaks over and over again when clearly there is no bloody cars in front of you.  Please, please unfortunate Minivan driver, if you are listening, you are causing all the other idiots behind you to panic and hit the brakes.  If you cause a rear-ender, you’re getting the bill.” 

“Gentle reminder to the listeners out there AND a public service announcement:  Slower effing traffic keep right!  This actually means if you are driving in the left hand lane and are not doing so with the sole purpose of passing someone and getting back in the right lane then I suggest you get off the road.  Your f**ing up traffic.”

“You in the white Subaru driving ten kilometers under the speed limit – that car goes faster, I know it does.  If you can’t drive it to its full potential get a bloody Honda Fit.  Let someone who knows how to drive have the damn car!”

I could go on and on and I will most certainly do so, in my head, on the commute home today and every day.  Until then stay safe out there on the roads.  Especially on Idiot Thursday!