February 1, 2018

Gym Update

If you read the post with my heartfelt feelings about the gym at work (August 3, 2016), you will remember that I hate the gym and had really high hopes of the gym at work being a place where my fellow co-workers were one with exercise and maybe a tiny bit friendly  I was so, so wrong.  (Please keep in mind that I am not a “people” person so that I even give a shit that people are grumpy and rude is odd in itself.  I just think being a gym turd is so not necessary at work.)  Alas, that lasted a few months and I flipped the preverbal bird to the gym.  The people at the gym at lunch never became even remotely friendly and, in some cases, down right bitchy.

A few months ago now, a friend/co-worker suggested that we hit the gym after work (therefore extending my extra-long, painful work day).  I was not enthused at first however after a couple of weeks I realized that the lunch time bitches were not there, it was nice to go to the gym with someone who makes sure you don’t have a heart attack on the treadmill and it helps with the fatigue I experience after work (and stops me from falling asleep when I am driving home!).  The downside?  Apparently the “after work crowd” are super, bloody fit and I am, by far, the fattest hamster on the wheel.  No, it does not inspire me to work harder so please do not suggest that crap.  Even though I shed a fat, little tear every time I am there, I will continue on (mostly so I can get back to running on the road when winter finally passes) and so I can continue to think I can drink beer and the calories are negative because I worked out.