April 14, 2010

A Bunch of Days.... And Not Counting

Just checked the marathon website to see how many days until the half marathon when my attention was directed elsewhere. Cool running gear. Oh yes and I am pretty sure you don’t have to be an official runner to buy this stuff. However, I believe not having stomach rolls is sort of a pre-requisite to wearing any kind of shirt that starts out looking like a girls size 6 and stretches to fit the average adult. Why did they call these shirts underarmour or dryfit? How about Sausage Bag?

I have taken a slight detour from regular training and have started the ever popular “Get primed and ready for Summer” marathon training program. This is a very intense program that, as it turns out, is much more time consuming than any other training I have done in the past. I have noticed that I have also not had any trouble finding people to ‘train’ with. Especially on the weekends. Or when there is something in particular to celebrate. Like the sun coming out or getting the lawn cut. A friend and I even made up a new rule a couple of weeks ago: When dieting, pick one: food or bevys? The rationale here is that if your going to consume calories, why not consume the good ones? So far, I believe, the new rule is sort of back firing on us because although we do not eat copious amounts of food during the training session, there is something peculiar that happens the next day. It is a crazy desire to eat a Big Mac. Still working out the kinks in the training program.

Now where did I put the blender?