I'm going to chalk this up to one of the things that really annoy me. Ever gone to the public pool and sat back and watched the people who are not swimming? I did just that a few days ago and was so tempted to pull out my camera and start taking pictures of the 'stupid' people with the hopes that someone, anyone would ask me why I was taking pictures of people. This would have been my reply: "I am writing a feature article on the ignorance of people for my blog and wanted to have picture evidence." This is what the picture would reflect: full grown adults bringing their child in to the pool for swimming lessons who not just walk by ONE five foot high sign that says PLEASE NO SHOES ON THE DECK, but TWO signs. What of it? Does this sign apply to only people who can read? Clearly they must be able to read at least a little bit because they managed to sign their kids up for swimming lessons, which must involve some educational skill. What happened to setting an example for our children? Oh, Johnny, that sign does not apply to ME, they must have put that sign there for the 'regular' people with dirty shoes. Maybe it only applys to the people who walk in from outside and circumvent the changing room and just jump right in the pool with their "outside" shoes on? Maybe the sign should read: If you step in dog poo and then walk on our deck, your kid is going to step on it with his or her bare feet and then drag the poo into the pool where you all get the pleasure of swimming in it! Come on people! That's it. I have resolved myself to going to the pool at 7 a.m. when they open and sitting there until 11:00 p.m. when they close and take a survey of how many people walk by both signs. I might just take those photos and send my article to the local newpaper. Can you just see the headlines now: Swimming lessons include added feature of exposure to dog poo! or City full of parents who can't read - frightening example for the future of our children? or But My Shoes Were Clean, Really!