I often wonder if humans have a predisposition to forget stuff that we have had happen to us before or should be just flat out common sense. Ever flushed the toilet in a public washroom before having yourself completely put together and watched as the water overflowed all over your shoes while you are frantically trying to get your pants back on? Or put on that pair of pants in the closet and, only after leaving the house, do you realize that they should have been in the ‘too small’ pile. Or ‘seriously, was I twelve when I wore these last pile?’ What about taken something out of the oven without the fancy mitt? Or the ever popular leave your coffee mug on the top of your car and drive away? Who hasn’t done that?
Is lack of common sense carefully disguised as stupidity? Are we just so overwhelmed with information that we tend to forget the easy stuff? I swear people only half listen and half read nowadays because they have a million other thoughts going on in their melon (or in the case of any given man - three thoughts). Maybe if we napped during the day, like we used to before we started this whole rat race, we would be better equipped to handle all the important and not so important stuff – like what to wear today, do these shoes go with this outfit and how to deal with frizzy hair.