All right. This little joke is officially over. So not funny anymore. Bambi’s husband has now turned into the cartoon hunter at the end of the movie with the gun (you know who I mean right?). For name calling reference we shall call him: Elmer. Like Elmer Fudd. Dude who shoots rabbits (OK, I had to pick something and Disney did not give us a bio on the hunter fella in Bambi so I had to go with the next best thing.) Elmer – you’re a big, friend moving, no good bully. Your day will come. Mark my words Fudd, Carrie Bradshaw karma is on its way!

Elmer – this message is for you: I was under the impression a year ago that you cannot take the city outta the girl because there is always access to the world via some other way. But what kinda brainwashing shit you got going on over in Deer Forks is beyond my comprehension (side note here: Bambi does not live in the place with all the hot vampire dudes, sorry). My pal used to be one gold card away from Carrie Bradshaw and now? Now she doesn’t even check her email. For days! I’m panicked. I’m planning an intervention. I will drive for hours and hours with all my reverse Elmerbrainwashing ammunition: Chicklit books, People magazine, Cosmopolitan mix (for me, Bambi doesn’t drink – wait, I see the problem all ready!, Cheetos, some form of really good cheese, my personal copy of Sex and The City – The Movie, the entire 60bajillion seasons of Sex and The City on DVD and pedicure appointments! Beautiful toes should pull her outta this country funk. Oh ya Elmer – I’ma comin.
Dude isn’t gonna know what hit em!