December 9, 2010

Christmas Shopping

It’s official. I am getting old. This week I went out on one of my first serious Christmas shopping missions of the season. My intent was to get it all done in one day. Ha, freaking, ha. It didn’t happen. This is where the old part kicks in (or majorly intolerant part – whatever). I can no longer stand shopping! Oh yes, I said it. Almost out loud! There were days, back in my youth, where I remember meeting a friend at the mall to “shop” and all we did was wander around and look at stuff, maybe have a coffee, then wander around and look at more stuff. There were times we did not even buy anything! Just shopped for the pure love of shopping. I believe I was an honorary member of some exclusive shopping club back then. (wait a minute…. Just realized I had no kids then and lots of time and wayyyy more money – revelation number one! What the heck was I thinking…. I digress…. ). Anyway, as I walked around the mall like a crazed woman buying Christmas presents, I realized many new (and remembered some not so new) things about myself.
1. I hate crowds.
2. Standing in line to buy something seems like an incredible waste of time.
3. The mall is to hot (or I am to lazy to carry my coat).
4. Shopping sucks even more if you have no clue what you are looking for.
5. There is not a single place, I have yet to find, in the mall food court where you can get a martini (which would make the shopping so much more tolerable). Wait: revelation number two – must open up a martini bar at the mall. I would be rich!
6. Shopping would be so much more enjoyable if I had an endless supply of cash.
7. Every toy purchased that takes more than 30 minutes to put together should come with a labour rebate, since time is money.

Well short rant really long, I did not get the shopping completed and had to extend my “not putting one foot in the mall after this date” cut off. My next venture out I will start out tipsy, bring someone along to hold my coat and purchases and wait till the mall is open until midnight and shop at 11 pm. That should do it. Oh, and forget Boxing Day sales. Not gonna happen.