April 14, 2011

Ever Heard That Saying...

Have you ever heard the saying: "There is one in every": (insert appropriate word here - like office, class, family, oh and TEAM)?  This is one of Murphy's most brutal laws.  Because its true in every case.  You know the story: everybody in said group gets along and is in perfect harmony with each other floating along having a good time then WHAPPO some inconsiderate, single minded, cranky person (insert appropriate curse word here to replace person) has to throw a wrench into things?  Sound familiar?  Like the crazy uncle who only shows up at Thanksgiving dinner, has to many glasses of wine and then starts telling made up family secrets to get eveyone mad at each other?  Or the bitch in the office who makes it her business to know everyone else's business?  Or the parent on a team who has to complain about every single thing?  Now where the hell is my clipboard?