April 13, 2011

Why oh why don't I take my own advice?

Ya, I have been missing in action.  Mostly because this lacrosse season is turning out to be a ton of work.  Guess what I have been doing?  No.  Can't figure it out?  Here's a hint: planning a freaking, stressful lacrosse road trip!  Yes you read that right.  I am subjecting myself to the pain and torture of yet another road trip.  A long one.  Far, far away.  Lots of driving.  Yippieee.  So looking forward to THAT (insert dripping sarcasm here).  I know I promised myself after the last road trip that this was the end of the Road Trip Fiasco's.  I even threatened our coach.  You might have figured out already that it did not work.  He is not afraid of me.  Hold the phone: just came up with a brilliant idea!  Maybe if I completely mis-manage and screw up all the planning for the road trip he won't want to do it again.   Hmmm, food for thought.