June 28, 2011

Not so funny, funny day

Today has been the oddest day. I was happily sitting at my desk at work this morning and noticed a bunch of people on the street corner waayyyy down below. Now this normally is not much of an occurrence worthy of watching however these people were all dressed like they were holding an annual meeting or some kind meeting right on the street corner. So I keep watching. And more people appear. Now I know at this point I should have been thinking something might be up but no – the first thing that popped into my head was “Cool – wonder if there is going to be a flash mob on the street corner?”

Not so much.

Turns out they were evacuating the building. Bomb scare. I was not overly alarmed until I looked out another window and saw that the street below was shut down and the dozen or so tiny little white cars belonged to the police. At that point all I could think was get me the eff outta here. I was ok until I got in the underground parking lot. Although there were a number of people getting in their cars and I was clearly not alone, I practically held my breath until I got out into the sunshine. What came over me was not calm. All I could think about where the tragic, post 911 black and white pictures we have in our home honoring the old boys “brothers”. Freaked me out. Whoever called that sucker in was a fool. It’s Tuesday dude. Try for a Friday next time. Or better yet find something else to do with your time for heavens sake, I got stuff to do.