December 16, 2011

The Ever Lovin Food Groups

If there is one thing I could request at Christmas (or any other time for that matter) it would be that chocolate be moved from the “Foods to Limit” category to the “Milk and Alternatives” section.  I don’t know about anyone else but I scoff at the suggested healthy alternative to chocolate.  If you want something sweet have a bowl of fruit salad.  Really?  You people know how long it takes to put together a fruit salad (I am just assuming here that they are not referring to the fruit salad that comes in a can that has one, yes one, cherry in the entire tin).  Washing, peeling, cutting, coring, chopping and subsequent washing of hands and multiple kitchen tools!  Seriously!  Want to see a Jerry Springer like chair throwing, I’m sleeping with your best friend and she’s having my baby act?  Tell a chick who is “craving” chocolate to have a fruit salad instead.  There is not enough medication or medical personnel to accommodate that scenario!  Not only that, chocolate has its own magical properties that simply cannot be replicated by a bowl of grapes!

So if I got my Christmas wish, my breakfast the last two days included a healthy diary product in the shape of ole St. Nick and quite a few of those, lets call them yogurt like, neatly filed After Eight mints.  Just add rum and eggnog and I have renewed my love for Christmas breakfasts.  Oh, and maybe a new wardrobe?  Ouch.