The other night the young lad went to a movie night at his school and had the pleasure of being somewhat unsupervised by his parents. With this new found freedom I expected him to behave appropriately (which he did) and make wise choices (which he didn’t). The hyper, twitchy ball got in the car when we picked him up and promptly informed us that he had two Pepsi’s. In his opening argument he stated that all they had left at the concession was Cream Soda (um, yuck) or Pepsi and he really didn’t finish the second one. I am going to chalk this one up to not parenting properly and forgetting to expressly tell him to stay away from caffeine like products and make a mental note that the kid most likely thought he had won the lottery with this one. Alas, the boy couldn’t sleep and I am pretty sure was doing his very best not to bing off the walls in his bedroom after he was put to bed. He did call down an hour later and informed us that he couldn’t sleep. He got the standard answer of “read a book”. Reply went something like this (read sentence really fast for full effect) “I read a book, played cars, coloured some stuff, read another book, played on my Ipod and I still can’t sleep.” All I could do was chuckle.
Best part? When he got up in the morning he looked like he was at a frat party till 3:00 a.m. all chicken hairy and eye baggy. All I said to him was “you know why your tired?” He replied: “I’m not drinking Pepsi again.” Chuckled all the way to work as I predict this will be the first of many times he will use that sentence. Just replace the “Pepsi”.