Today it seems is turning out to be one of those days where good and annoying are vying for the most votes. The day started with something unexpected. I saw a young taxi cab driver get out of his cab and help an elderly lady up to her doctors appointment on the second floor of a building. He probably lost 6 bucks worth of time doing that for her and he didn’t see to mind. Did I mention he was young? Little while later I was sitting in an office with an older lady and gentleman. They did not come in together. They did however spend over 15 minutes trying to out “ailment” each other. It was amusing at the start. “Ya, well I have arthritis. Do you?” They discussed the pills they were taking, the various parts that hurt and who had the next doctors appointment (Gentleman Jim won, his appointment was today. Her appointment was way later. Tomorrow. Made me promise myself that I would never be that woman, although I have had a few conversations as of late with girlfriends about the slow decline of our bodies.) The whole time the Ailment Fest was going on there was a young child screaming in the back of the office at the top of his lungs. He was so hysterical that apparently the entire office staff of four needed to restrain him. Fun. So after they finished torturing the poor child the staff returns to the front and l, who I might add walked in and grabbed a little number from the “Take A Number” dispenser well before the elderly people arrived, get line jumped by Gentleman Jim! What the heck dude? Why do you need to jump the line? Got a job to get back to? Seriously! Normally I am pretty patient but I was starting to lose my mind with all the kid screaming and the elderly complaining. Held my tongue. Even after being helped by a Snook-a-like in a nurses uniform who had the personality of a stick!
As I leave the office, a woman walks up to me and asks if I know where the washroom is. I tell her and she turns and walks away. Huh. Manners? So I called back a friendly “your welcome”. Come on people. I know you can do better.
So far annoying is winning and it’s not even noon!