May 21, 2012

The Ugly Side of Sport

First off, let me say that I am not a “newby” in the kid sport arena.  I will not willingly disclose how old I am but I have had kids in various sports for over 13 years.  That’s a long freakin time.  I have learned a lot of lessons along the way.  During these years I have met some people who I now consider “my people”.  They are kind, generous people who give their time and energy to sport for no other reason than for the love of the sport and the kids.  I have met people who inspire and motivate kids in ways that are truly heartwarming.  There are people out there who coach, not just to get their own kid “somewhere”, but because they love the sport they are coaching.  This group of people so far, in all the years I have invested, are the majority.  Thank goodness.

I have, as well, been introduced to the highest level of Crazy Ass Nut Bars in youth sports you can imagine.  I am learning to keep my mouth shut.  Just sit back, watch the crazy show and enjoy the ride.  There is however a time when it’s not ok to sit back and watch and it’s not ok to keep your mouth shut.  That time?  When someone in sport, who is in the position of power, belittles and potentially causes harm to a child.  At no time, ever, should a child of any age be belittled in front of their own team mates and no child should EVER not feel safe when attending a sport.  EVER.  End of freaking story.