July 25, 2012

Salon Rules Ladies!

I am hereby putting forth a new rule – if you must, for any reason (I clearly do not care what the reason is) bring your CHILD to the salon whilst you are getting your hair done you shall be charged a twenty dollar, PER HOUR, fee for annoying the crap out of the other patrons.  I don’t care if you think I am being mean.  I had the misfortune of having to sit through two entire hours of listening to a woman’s 12 year old kid annoy the hell outta everyone, including the two hairdressers.  He was loud, obnoxious and interrupted every conversation in the salon with his personal opinion.  I don’t know about the rest of you but I enjoy spending three hours at the hairdressers to GET AWAY from children, get a new do and read my book in peace while I am “processing” aka “while the magic happens”.   What the heck this woman was thinking I have no idea.  It was all I could do to keep my mouth shut and not tell her to put her kid in the car.  Clearly, salon etiquette went out the window or I am now wondering if she doesn’t think her kid is annoying, just the rest of us do!  The way I see it, if there is a $20.00 an hour “annoyance service fee” the crazy people will possibly re-think and get a babysitter or the very least crack the windows in the car!