July 24, 2012

The Floor Less Travelled

Today I was asked to do a job at work that I have never done before (I might mention here that I have never done this particular task because it is not part of my job.  Not that I mind doing something different every once and awhile, depending on the request.)  Let me also say that I have a very specific job and this job really requires that I almost never have to physically speak or see actual humans. This is one of the best parts of my job mostly because I am not a huge fan of people.  So I was asked to pick up the mail for the department which in itself is not that big of a deal, EXCEPT I did not have a clue where to pick up said mail and the requestee disappeared right after logging the request!   I hurriedly emailed one of my co-workers who was off site and asked if she happened to know where this mystery mail was because clearly this is information I should know and cannot remember.  Feeling a bit like a fool I then had to go back into old emails to see if the only other person I know who works in this building had her address in her signature line so I could gleen a little information from that.  Low and behold, after searching through ten emails, I found one with her address on it.  Fifteenth floor.   Weird.  I suppose I get in the elevator every day and go to a lower floor and my brain has some kind of mental block about there being a huge number of floors above me.  What’s with that?  So I go to the 15th floor, look around like an idiot and ask someone walking by if they know where the mail is for the floor I work on.  She shows me the mail basket and low and behold the thing is empty making this adventure somewhat of a bust.  This is one of those times where I am going to use the excuse “tired and hungry” because it makes me think that I might need to step outside my quiet shelter and realize there is a whole big world out there.  Of course as long as I am not required to talk to people I don’t want to, then forget it.  I’ll stay here.