I have to say it and I will admit I am old but here goes: Facebook, Twitter and the like are really starting to annoy the crap outta me. I will first off say that Facebook does have its good qualities – like if you have relatives overseas or such and you wish to contact them or send them photos etc. (might mention here that email is also a great way to do this – and a teeny bit more private but whatever – email is obviously outdated?) anyway my annoyance is mostly generated from the fact that today it seems that people have to post and Tweet every freaking thing they are doing, not to mention (and this is my personal non-favourite) the once sentence, sigh from an attention seeker. “Having a bad day” or “Struggling to figure out what I am going to do” or “So upset right now”. Really? Back in the day if we had a dilemma we phoned a friend or just kept it to ourselves. Instead the immature and obviously socially stunted people have to post their one sentence wo-is-me so all their friends post back immediately with the much needed attention – “what’s wrong?” or “is everything all right?” Then the real fun begins. They spend the next hour discussing their problems with a dozen people and then can’t figure out why everyone and their dog knows their business! What has the world come to when people air all their dirty laundry on social media and then pitch a hissy fit because someone they don’t like knows their every move? Almost positive the term “private life” is going to be extinct along with “personal and confidential” and “need to know”.