December 17, 2013
Taking the heat again... as usual
Well I am taking some heat for my comment in the Nov 20th post about having no desire to be young again and relive my youth so I thought I would duly explain myself. Yes, it would be nice to be all young and non-wrinkly with the metabolism of a fruit fly but I have spent some time thinking about the pros and cons of such time reversal and I have to tell you that the best thing about being old is that I really, honestly don't give a fat flying flapjack about things that clearly would have kept me awake at night worrying even ten years ago. Every wonderful year that goes buy I spend less and less time obsessing about what other people think and more and more time not giving a crap about things that might have bothered me before. I also spend more time thinking about how grateful I am that I have the people in my life and less time trying to find new ones (big time saver here, just sayin). I feel extremely blessed that I have such an amazing group of friends. Ah crap, I went from not giving a whatchamacallit to sappy. The holidays are coming people and so is your family! Start drinking now. In a little under 15 days it will be all over and all that family will go back where they came from (sooo sort of kidding).
December 13, 2013
It's a diary of sorts........ if you want to call it that
Part of the reason I partake in all this writing is first because I love writing, always have, and second because I have learned that I have the WORST memory ever! I figured at some point that I should write this stuff down because if I am ever going to hold a complete girly grudge against someone, I gotta remember why. If I didn't I would just be friendly and nice to everyone all the time and we can't be having that happen. There is however, another added benefit I found out yesterday. You see, I have been trying as hard as I can to pretend Christmas is NOT coming this year and I have been given the gears by a few people about not commenting on the Christmas peril that is called shopping (as has been my previous practice). After yesterdays post, I accidently hit December 2010 on the side and re-read my post from December 9, 2010. It was like remembering a great idea one once had and had forgotten! It's all I could think about the rest of the day! I am definitely taking my own advice and following the holiday shopping tips I provided myself: "My next venture out I will start out tipsy, bring someone along to hold my coat and purchases and wait till the mall is open until midnight and shop at 11 pm." Freaking brilliant. Now begins my search for a sober driver (ruling out almost the entire friend population. There are a few of you out there...... I will find you.)
December 12, 2013
Resolution - of sorts
I have been pondering the New Years Resolution thing all ready. In years past you would have read that I absolutely suck at keeping any type of resolution (as are most of us). I think last year I even declared myself Resolutionless. I keep thinking that I should really take action against the "winter fat" because that shit is not doing me any good. Unlike a whale, my winter fat is doing nothing in the keeping me warm department! It is however making my clothing not fit quite as well (my scarves still fit!) The whole resolution thing seems to have a preliminary negative effect however as I seem to be using the upcoming lettuce fest as an excuse to eat more and by eating more I mean really, really bad food. "Just one last time Mr. Cheeseburger, one last time." Yikes. I'm going to have my work cut out for me at this rate. Doesn't help much that I associate wrapping presents with the partaking of wine and baking cookies definitely means ummmm well, more wine. I am going to have to research food and beverage detox and proceed from there. For now, I will try to contain myself and not add to the pending total of winter fat or winter fun fat. Whatever....... "I'll have a large fries with that guilt."
December 6, 2013
Me Not Very Bright
Have you ever had someone outright completely insult your intelligence? I don't ever proclaim myself to be smart or even slightly intelligent however when someone insults the little bit of intellect I DO have I tend to not be very pleased. This was the case this morning during a conversation whereupon I was so informed that I did not have the education or the mental wherewithal to attend a course about, of all things, internet web design. The matter of taking this one day, free course, needed to be consulted with another member of the team who could advise if my little brain, with limited knowledge and education, would benefit from taking something so obviously over my head. I hung up the phone and sat there stunned. I don't normally talk (out loud) to myself but this was the one time I said "I just had my intelligence insulted!" (lets pretend there was at least a cat in the room who heard this proclamation and nodded knowingly). After the shock wore off I phoned JCP who listened to my rant, agreed that maybe me just wasn't very smart enough to take this type of course and told me to stick with the easy stuff, like coloring and shape sorting. My imagined revenge is to spend the weekend designing a completely detailed e-learning module on the internet and forwarding the link to the two people who need to decide if I could handle this type of course. Will I do this? Other than in my imagination, hell no! Why give them the satisfaction. I have a lot better things to do with my time this weekend......... ummmm like sporting events and celebrating the coming of Christmas with spirits.
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