December 17, 2013

Taking the heat again... as usual

Well I am taking some heat for my comment in the Nov 20th post about having no desire to be young again and relive my youth so I thought I would duly explain myself.  Yes, it would be nice to be all young and non-wrinkly with the metabolism of a fruit fly but I have spent some time thinking about the pros and cons of such time reversal and I have to tell you that the best thing about being old is that I really, honestly don't give a fat flying flapjack about things that clearly would have kept me awake at night worrying even ten years ago.  Every wonderful year that goes buy I spend less and less time obsessing about what other people think and more and more time not giving a crap about things that might have bothered me before.  I also spend more time thinking about how grateful I am that I have the people in my life and less time trying to find new ones (big time saver here, just sayin).  I feel extremely blessed that I have such an amazing group of friends.  Ah crap, I went from not giving a whatchamacallit to sappy.  The holidays are coming people and so is your family!  Start drinking now.  In a little under 15 days it will be all over and all that family will go back where they came from (sooo sort of kidding).