December 12, 2013

Resolution - of sorts

I have been pondering the New Years Resolution thing all ready.  In years past you would have read that I absolutely suck at keeping any type of resolution (as are most of us).  I think last year I even declared myself Resolutionless.  I keep thinking that I should really take action against the "winter fat" because that shit is not doing me any good.  Unlike a whale, my winter fat is doing nothing in the keeping me warm department!  It is however making my clothing not fit quite as well (my scarves still fit!)  The whole resolution thing seems to have a preliminary negative effect however as I seem to be using the upcoming lettuce fest as an excuse to eat more and by eating more I mean really, really bad food.  "Just one last time Mr. Cheeseburger, one last time."  Yikes.  I'm going to have my work cut out for me at this rate.  Doesn't help much that I associate wrapping presents with the partaking of wine and baking cookies definitely means ummmm well, more wine.  I am going to have to research food and beverage detox and proceed from there.  For now, I will try to contain myself and not add to the pending total of winter fat or winter fun fat.  Whatever.......  "I'll have a large fries with that guilt."