I don't want to get to carried away with things and jinx anything but I am almost certain that that giant orb in the sky might just be the sun? It seems that as I get older I get less and less tolerant of the never ending crappy rain that we get ten months out of a year. Now I know why all those white haired people head off every fall to warmer climates.
So with the onset of Spring comes the beginning of new sports and the end of others. In the past I always looked forward to the end of one sport (the crazy ass, backstabbing, people hope your kid breaks his leg before tryouts sport is done - yes, I mean hockey!) and the beginning of another (the much more laid back, never up at 5 in the morning, cool parents with lots of beverages sport - of course, lacrosse!) Upon reflection the other day I realized that this is now no longer the case. Lacrosse season was once the breath of fresh air for me after a tense, time intensive hockey season. Many laughs and beverages were had and it seemed that every lacrosse parent wanted every kid to play well and have a great time. Now it seems that the "my Johnny is better than your Johnny" is coming to play as well as some of the immature high school games that people play. (Remember when so and so would make up a story about so and so and then other so and so's decided that they were not going to be friends with the first so and so anymore? Remember that bullshit? I so seriously thought that crap was behind us all. Whatever happened to adult conversation? When did it become ok to hurt the kids involved as well?) Don't get me wrong here, I have learned some pretty hard lessons in the kid world of hockey. I have twice (yes, twice because I am a slow learner) thought people in hockey were friends (even so much that I invited them to my home) and then when tryout time came realized that they were perhaps not so much friends as foe. When did all this stuff get so serious and catty? In spite of all this I will still go and support my elfin money sucker and cheer on all the other peoples money suckers as well. At the end of the day they are CHILDREN. Is that the forest through the trees here?