February 11, 2016

The Travesty and various other words to describe the current situation.

Before I start blithering on and on about the injustices of my world an update on the youngest money suckers health:

Kid is fine.  Grumpy and moving a lot slower than is his norm but the first surgery went well and the young lad is bouncing back rather quickly.  We did have some interesting moments during our hospital stay (I say "our" because I stayed there the entire time.  It was the most brutal three days I can clearly recall.)  The most heart wrenching was being on a floor filled with babies and children who have had surgery.  It is the saddest thing I can imagine and the nurses who work there are absolute saints.  Every single nurse we came across during our time there was amazing.  It is however, the absolute worst place to heal.  Rest and sleep are non-existent.  By day three I told the kid to get dressed and look normal because if we had to spend one more night in that place I was going to kill someone (that and the "parent bathroom" looked like it had NEVER been cleaned and the entire time we were there, there was a urine sample in the parent shower which confused the heck out of me because a. why was a parent of a child in Childrens' Hospital giving a urine sample? and b. who is responsible for cleaning that damn bathroom?  I would bet money if I went back there today, over two weeks later, that bottle of pee would still be there!  Gross.)  One small surgery left for the lad in a few weeks and then hopefully he (and his defective kidney) will be good to go on to many great adventures!  (On a more hilarious note the boy has been uncomfortably peeing blood since the surgery, which is entirely normal until the stent gets removed from his kidney.  This has however, provided me with an opportunity to tell him that is what could happen to him and his wizzer if he doesn't protect himself during "relations".  So much fun embarrassing your kids.  It's clearly why we have them.  Right?)

Back to me - Now that the boy has recovered enough to go back to school, I am going to make myself an appointment with the Crazy Doctor because clearly, honestly this is the path I am travelling.  Take today for example: I did my usual on line job search, sent out a few resumes, made banana bread, cleaned the kitchen, took out the recycling bins, emptied the dishwasher, cleaned the litter box and then, while waiting for the banana bread to come out of the oven, found myself sewing up a hole in the kids shirt.  It was at this point where I looked up and said out loud "What the fuck!".  When did I become Susy Homemaker?  I don't sew!  That was the last straw.  I almost grabbed a beer out of the fridge just to counteract the Pink Work I had just done.  Sewing.  Come on, really?  I need help.  Or a job.  Whichever comes first.