March 29, 2016

Running - Because I am to spazzy to do any other workout activity!

My new running partner - before the injury!
A few months back I decided to break out of my hermit shell and join a local running club.  I realized that I was spending way, way to much time working and running by myself and I figured it was only a matter of time before I stopped leaving the house all together.  So outside I went to run with strangers.  Total strangers.  Talk about stepping outside my comfort zone!  When it comes to running, I tend to lean towards wanting to be alone so I can talk myself out of running the entire time (and curse.  A lot).  I am not going to sugar coat this adventure, the first few weeks of this run club I felt like a fish outta water.  Everyone seemed to be grouped up already and they did not seem to be accepting any new people into their elite running club.  Alas, by week three I met a running friend (who coincidently felt exactly the same way about the non-entry into the running clan).  I knew we were going to get along just fine when I asked her, about ten minutes after meeting her, if she was going to do the long run on Sunday.  Her reply: "No, I might be to hung over to run".  Well, bless her heart!   I aptly named my new running partner The Gazelle, soon after to be re-named The Wounded Gazelle.  A few weeks into the mileage adventure Gazelle injured her leg and while we never want our friends to be on the injury list, this turned out to be a bonus for me.  The Wounded Gazelle's injury pace was just perfect for me (she has legs ten miles long and I run on turtle stumps) so, it seemed, we got along just fine on the road too!  Now that my wild friend is recovered I swear I can see her struggling to keep turtle pace so I am going to have to find a way to run faster - or just meet her at the end of every run.   Now it seems, in a couple of months, we are going to run a 11km trail race around a lake somewhere that may or may not involve dirt.  Huh, funny what happens when you get out of the house.
Me - On a Trail Run