January 1, 2018


It has been pointed out to me lately that I have been grossly neglecting my blog.  I have been, for the most part, uninspired and maybe a little head cobwebby when it comes to writing.  I have started many a post only to abort the mission because I just thought it was not full of the sarcasm and wit necessary to share.  I blame winter, craft beer and slow neurons. 

A lot has happened in the last few months….. one of the money suckers moved out of the house….  I know what you were thinking… Jail? Joined the circus?  No, the boy actually moved out in a grand gesture of adulthood and is, I am happy to report, still alive!  One down, two to go!  (Going to point out here that with said moving out I also got to welcome two new members to my tribe, one of whom it turns out is now on my list of favourite people ever and the other, my new Grandkitty, who does not like me because he is the orange, very large version of Grumpy Cat and we all know orange cats are soulless little devils, but I love him anyway! )

The youngest money sucker got a part time job and now officially has more money than me.  Of course the little buggar has no bills to speak of so can squirrel away all the cash he wants to.  I am choosing to think of his job at such a young age as a parenting win.  Gotta take them when I can.

It was a busy year with more travel, less time in arenas with catty ass sports parents and more time outside seeing the world.  It has been a year of insane reflection, some of those Oprah “Ah Ha” moments and a few disturbing seriouslys?? (one of which included a hospital visit that turned into a long term hotel stay, for reasons I hope to expel in a post titled “Yes, my Mother IS Crazy, Why Do You Ask?)

Most importantly I also found out this year that sometimes walking, not running, can heal your heart and calm your soul.   I have decided that 2018 will include more adventure, more uncomfortable shit that makes me grow as a person (and I don’t mean FAT, I can do that without any challenge at all!) and finding a way to make my life BIGGER (because sometimes “better” is too lofty a goal!)

This is my favourite picture of my Grandkitty.  I am not sure if this is a poultry stand
 off or a display of the fine art of Chicken Dance!
  Either way, this cat has attitude.  Just the way I like em.