May 5, 2010

1,800 Channels and Nothing On?

What the heck is wrong with the world when you have access to over 1,000 channels of tv shows and you spend the entire night surfing the online tv guide?  What has happened to us?  Can there not be something done about repeats?  Why oh why do they get us hooked on a show and then torture us with repeats?  I’m just about ready to pull the pin of some of the weekly shows I watch.  I was trying in vain to find out last week if one of the shows was going to be a repeat and found an online B fest, ranting about the lack of new episodes.  It is so cruel to lead a person on with the joys of watching the pretend trials and tribulations of characters and then put repeats on for two weeks in a row.  It essentially forces us to watch another show in the same time slot and therefore making competing networks very happy.  HGTV never looked so good.