January 17, 2011

The "Official" Most Depressing Day of the Year

You read that right.  Today is officially "Blue Monday".  Some brilliant person actually came up with a formula for todays date.  Here it is: "Weather, plus debt, minus salary, multiplied by the time since Christmas to the time since failure to fulfill New Year's resolutions."  They also go on to mention the effect of sunlight on the depression factor.  Hello.  This one was kinda a no brainer.  Of course by the third week of January all the bills from the Christmas overspending are coming in, we have already gone back to eating potato chips and drinking wine for our 8 p.m. snack and working out?  Please!  And the sun?  What freakin sun?

To add to this: some are going to get a monthly reminder of this when their newly signed gym membership bill comes in the mail or gets ripped from your account every month!  Shouldn't there be a Optimistic Idiot Clause in every gym contract signed in January?