The other night I recalled a message I posted last year around this time about how 2010 was going to be a great year and all that New Year’s pomp and circumstance. After I scoffed about that little prophecy (I am still not quite sure the year rocked like I had envisioned) I got to thinking about 2010. Of course, being the sarcastic human I was raised to be, I immediately went to some of the lessons I had the pleasure of learning throughout the last 12 months. Here a just a few:
Friends are fleeting – it is important to always do a reality check and make sure the friends you keep are healthy for you and the relationships are not one sided.
People lie – yes, it’s true. Not only that, if you have someone in your life who is a liar I hate to break it to you, they will always, forever be liars.
Maturity is a perception – so many times in the past 12 months I have been reminded that the lessons we tell our preschoolers about telling on others, not acting like a whiner and treating people how you want to be treated are things that we may need to remind grown adults as well. Shocking revelation this one.
Just when you think humans are capable of change, they do something so epically stupid you are reminded that change is not an easy task to accomplish.
Racism is, has always been and always will continue to be ugly. From what I have seen this past year my only hope is that at least some of the worlds children are being taught about the evils of racism and it will be those children who will run the world. Really at the very least whatever happened to "walking in someones shoes". Some parents should be seriously ashamed. Remember do unto others?
Although I thought I had evolved mentally over the years, I am often reminded that I am going to be forced to repeat life’s lessons over and over and over until I learn the freakin lesson. Crap.
Boys – Ewwww. Need I say more?
The year also brought many moments that renewed my faith in all that is awesome. I cling to these memories as they are the only thing preventing me from running off and joining the circus. Here is a few of the good ones:
Great times and conversations with friends and neighbours – including Martini sampler nights, crap we forgot to make dinner nights, amazing "what are we going to do when we win the lottery" conversations with the members of the "Street of Dreamers" and going for coffee/drinks and coming out many hours later.
A dear friends wedding – In this case, yes, love conquers all. Sappy, no?
The milestone of your teenager learning how to drive – yes, scary people (currently trying to find a loophole around the ‘experience driver’ not being drunk) but alas this is an exciting first step towards car buying and packing belongings in said car and getting their own place to stink up. Happy days are ahead.
Walking doggies in the river – Best. Thing. Ever. – cheapest therapy I know.
Friends discovering the amazing Blackberry Messenger.
The revolutionary E-Reader and all the books, fabulous books.
Finding little bits of joy in the simplest things, even when negativity attempts to squash all the joy.
Full tank of gas.
A hell, lets throw in a rainbow (martini) just to top things off.
Although there is much more, in both categories, this is what I can conjure up for now. Even though sarcasm reins and I anticipate the first part of 2011 to be a challenge, I am choosing to think that it is going to be a great year. Yes I am.