October 9, 2011

Road Trip of a Different Color

Road trip day one - Learned lesson number six thousand four hundred and eighty two: road trips are waaayyyy better and a whole lot more fun if you are not the manager of a team.  Oh. Ya. Baby.  Although we seemed to be experiencing some of the same reoccurring issues as past road trips (hotel rooms with paper thin walls, hotel staff putting one couple with no children on a floor with an entire hockey team - of nine and ten year olds, just to mention a few) I am lapping in the luxury of NOT having to deal with hotel management and parents who ask stupid questions.  This is the bomb.  I do believe that I have completely horrified my roommate just a tiny bit.  Pretty sure she thinks I am a raging alcoholic and maybe just a teeny bit crazy, but she seems to be dealing with it.  I will not embarrass myself.  I will not embarrass myself..... 
Road trip day two - up early, bright eyed, alert and ready for some hockey.  Have realized that my roommate is an excellent co-pilot and, although she has yet to confess, may have a teeny bit of the same neatness ocd gene hidden in her somewhere that I am becoming proud to be inflicted with.  I have found the perfect, tidy roommate.  Now to check her party tolerance levels.  Bunch of us went to "Oh My Aching Heart Lobster" for lunch.  That was fun.  Most likely will not be able to go there again without thinking about one of the young men jamming his finger up his nose at the table in the restaurant.  Um.  Dude.  We can see you!  Your lunch is coming!  Ah boys.  What can I say.
Road trip day two and a half - monsters swim, monsters eat, monsters swim again then the beloved lockdown of said monsters takes effect (lockdown at this point in the story is a funny play on words as the Coach the night before mistakenly called the hotel we were staying at San Quinten.  Turned out by the end of the trip we had dubbed the Warden as well!).  Movies and super healthy snacks (outright lie) are flowing so my roommate and I get the hell outta there in search of the parent party.  We creatively hid our beverages in coffee cups - brilliant idea I will take complete credit for - oh, except that after about five or six drinks the damn cup gets a little soggy.  Will be writing a note to Starbucks later to tell them to make better secondary beverage containers.  That letter will be followed by a letter to the law makers in the town we were staying in about the "alcohol in public" law.  Shit people, apparently you can walk all the hell over Vegas with open alcohol why not here?  If I can buy liquor at the freaking gas station or corner store why can't I enjoy it while sitting by the hotel pool.  Sorry....I story tangent diverted.  Back to the night:  Oh did we ever luck out in the parent department with this team!  Crazy Laughter Lady - who caused me to have a minor hernia from laughing so much - at her and with her.  A dad we now call Tiffany or Ficas - depending on which stolen and replaced elsewhere hotel item you saw him walking around with last.  The Chef, who we found out was an unassuming super cool chick who loves a good party!  My soul sister Statler was there in fine form with her wit and wisdom  Oh, and my young, almost underage, got id'd buying liquor roommate?  Holy Batman!  That girl can swill with the rest of us I tell ya.  I have not laughed that much in two short days I am pretty sure ever. 
Road trip day three - up early for the last hockey game.  Well it seemed early anyway what with going to bed at 1:30ish and the asshats next door getting up at 5:30.  I think there was a tumor growing directly behind my eyeballs for a few hours upon waking  (my Advil levitation technique was not working so I had to get up and take them manually!)  Hockey game rocked.  It was a great way to end the tournament and the weekend.  My kudos go out to the coaches and the manager (sucker!).  They were all amazing.  Greasy hangover food purchased shortly thereafter and we were off.  Back to reality.  The partay is over.  For now......  Oh and did I embarrass myself?  I am almost certain I did.  On more than one occasion.  But?  I was laughing to hard to care.