October 30, 2011

Sidney Crosby Sydrome

I have now officially discovered a new psychological illness for the big ole book of crazytown that the doctors use to diagnose psychological disorders.  I am sure my new found illness is just an updated form of some of the others listed such as the "Bobby Orr Syndrome" or the more well known "Wayne Gretzky Syndrome".  This new and improved problem duly dubbed "The Sidney Crosby Syndrome" is clearly a revised form with a more serious, pathological list of symptoms and consequences.  I would love to offer personal help to all the people afflicted with this disorder but alas I cannot be nice enough in this situation and nor do I want to be.  Here's my prescription: Get your head outta your ass!  You can spend all the money in the world, bribe (or sleep with) coaches, suck up to the right people, put your kid in every camp possible and guess what?  There is a really good chance your kid will NOT be the next Sidney Crosby.   Bottom line people - it doesn't matter where your kid plays, if he IS the next Sidney Crosby, people already know or are soon to find out.  I have seen things of late that only spell out a recipie for killing a kids love of the sport.  Oh, and guess what people?  They all end up in a Beer League somewhere.  All of them.