Yes, in the real world if you are hired for a job you are expected to do that job and do it well. Of course if the minimum expectations of the job are not met, well your gonna get fired. It seems like these same guidelines do not need to be met when volunteering for a position, however sad that is. So I ask this – Should the same high standards and expectations still be required when a person volunteers for a position, especially if that volunteer position involves working with people and in some cases children? What if the volunteer doesn’t do a good job or is negligent in his position? Do we shrug our shoulders and say “Oh well, they are volunteering their time after all.” Do we just let the person do a shoddy ass job because he or she is giving their time and we should all just appreciate that they are there at all?
Well, as you might have expected I have a definite opinion on this! I don’t give a fat, flying hamster if you are paid or not for a job, if you apply for a position that automatically IMPLIES that there are a set of realistic expectations that are required for that job. Volunteer or no volunteer if you can’t do the job, get the hell out.
A wise man told me recently: “Sometimes it’s better to hire NO guy for the job then the WRONG GUY.” I couldn't have said it better myself!