October 3, 2012

Perhaps I am a little "annoying voice" sensitive as well.......

Yes, well the title says it all.  It is a well known fact that annoying people make me crazy to the point of dreaming about revenge type scenarios.  A couple of my ex-coworkers, now friends, probably remember the “temp” we had in the office who sat behind me for a couple of months.  This chick took the award for the most annoying adult I have ever met in my entire life.  For a full 7.5 hours this loony bin talked to herself and made grunty clucky noises all freaking day.  I took to wearing ear plugs to work because I was one grunt away from chucking my stapler at her.  I thought she was going to be the only person to drive me to the point of planning to hurl myself over the top of her desk and strangling her (had my insanity plea completely planned for after as well).  I. Was. Wrong.  In the last couple of months I have had to work on the same floor as a person who, every single freaking morning, calls her daughter to ask her if she is getting ready for school, has she had breakfast yet and not to forget a long, painful list of things for the day.  Every morning.  That’s not the worst of it.  She also relays the entire message to her husband all the while using her OUTSIDE voice in a very singsongy, baby tone that makes me want to puke in my garbage can.  All this time I thought this ladies daughter was six years old!  I was close.  Turns out she is IN GRADE SIX.  Poor kid.  She is going to hit high school and her mommy is going to lead her towards the path of getting the crap beat out of her!  If hearing her baby her 11 year old isn’t enough, apparently she needs to run her daughters entire school from her desk at work as well.  Hot lunch orders, earth quake kits, soccer practice and on and on and on.  If I were her boss I would tell her to go home and stop stealing time!  Paycheques are serious people.  Treat them that way!