Yes, I am soon to be embarking on yet another sports related road trip. Why do we get ourselves into these situations? I mean come on– it’s hard enough to find good friends you can travel with let alone a bunch of near strangers! Some years we get lucky and have a pack of really great people to road trip with, other years you end up with every cracker jack in the box. This trip should be interesting, to say the least. There is a group of people attending that will be fun to spend wayyy to much time with. There also is a group of people we could respectfully call “quirky”. One can only hope that, once the bevy’s start flowing, that maturity filters stay in place and the truth remains unspoken, mostly because the truth in this case is ugly. Not showered, wearing yesterdays dirty clothing, ugly.
February 28, 2013
February 27, 2013
Why You Should Never Get Into a Pissing Match With a Crazy Person
Well, obviously, to start off, getting into a verbal or written pissing match with a crazy person is like hitting yourself over the head with a hammer repeatedly and wondering why the pain won’t go away. Until recently, I had assumed that all humans had just a teeny bit of common sense and respect. I WAS WRONG! Oh boy, was I wrong. You see, I recently had the misfortune of engaging in a written bitch fest with a person who shall be forever, in my mind, called: BatShitCrazy. Ms. BatShit figured it was her right to verbally abuse a volunteer and send this abuse out globally. Yes, to everyone. I figured her motive in doing this was to garner support for her “opinion” and possibly start a little bitch riot. What she got however, was a large number of people who were amazed at her disgusting display of disrespect. This was not the first time BatShitCrazy went on a written attack. This time however, I decided I had had enough. Someone needed to point out to her that she was crossing a line and entering into the realm of people who have no regard for others feelings or respect for others. So I eloquently told her so. To which I received a reply that I can only say was written by someone who needs to have their mood altering medication checked by a doctor every six months. I was shocked (as were others). What level of crazy do you have to be NOT to understand that you are wrong and your actions are hurtful? I figure when it is pointed out to a person that they have been acting disrespectfully the last thing most people do is try to justify their actions! Don’t get me wrong here, I don’t regret getting into this particular pissing match, mostly because there did not appear to be a single person around who was willing to point out to BatShitCrazy that she was being a bitch and no one seemed to want to stand up for the victim, even though many people wanted to talk about how wrong the written verbal abuse was (sort of now figuring out why no one want to engage in this particular match, with this particular person). I figure BatShitCrazy will just continue going about her business attacking people until someone has the balls to stand up and tell her she is wrong.
Lesson learned: You cannot reason with crazy people, but it is sure the hell is entertaining trying!
February 26, 2013
There Has Got To Be A Way To Shut This Sh*t Up
If you haven’t figured it out
by now, I have a bit of an overactive imagination. One would think that this
would be a great thing – and trust me, if I made a million dollars off this
mental deformity, it would be all good. Million dollar paycheque not
withstanding, my case of imagination overdrive has always been a bit of a
hindrance. At any given time my brain has had six cups of expresso, two Red
Bulls and a shot of speed and to make matters worse there is NO off switch. I wake
up at all hours of the night, at least 6 to 12 times a night, with two thousand
thoughts running through the old neuron holder BEFORE I have even opened my damn eyes to check
the time. Add a few stressors to the regular stream and I become the proud
owner of a couple of Samsonites under my eyes in the morning! I constantly look
like I got punched in the face! Don't even get me started on "sleep
medication". That stuff is just crap. The stuff the doctor hands out
leaves you with a hangover that rivals the morning after a decent frat party
(and hey, if I am going to be sporting a hangover it certainly is NOT going to
be from sleep aids!), the over the counter stuff is a bigger load of crap
because really - they claim its NOT addictive? Seriously, tell that to someone
with insomnia. You think they are not going to become addicted to something that
will help them get to sleep? Really people? I would rather just be tired than
have to look for a Sleep Medication Dealer in the back of the local pharmacy.
Meditation looked to be a good alternative for a while until I ended up in a schizophrenic
smackdown between my Zen self and my NotsoZen self. Probably the only time I
can say I have argued with myself. In case you were wondering, NotsoZen self
won that war. Like I said. NO off switch. It would be so much better, of
course, if even a couple of the thoughts were brilliant, then I wouldn't be so
pissed about losing so much sleep! Waaiiiitttt a minute! Should I be checking
the big ole book of psychological disorders? Holy Hannah - I might just be onto
something........ (maybe two things - that could be one brilliant thought!)
February 8, 2013
My Un-Inspiration and A Brief Reminder About Public Transit
Yes, a few of you have mentioned my apparent lack of sarcasm lately. It really is a combination of extreme hibernation and utter lack of inspiration. Usually the smallest things make me grab some kind of writing implement to write about but the last month I have not been compelled to see the humor in things. Normally when un-inspiration hits I go into my “posts for editing” or “things that piss me off” folder and I have some story to share but not so much lately. It is seriously time to shake things up. (I might want to mention here that you all have not been sharing your most embarrassing moments for me to post as well, so its partially your fault to!). For now I give you this little service reminder:
Why (Again) You Should NEVER Take Public Transit
So I finally let the people at work know that I am none to impressed with having to get on any form of public transit and, if necessary, I must be given at least two days notice before they expect me to get on any germ infested, smelly death trap known as a public bus or train. I have deftly explained that I must be prepared for said travel and if not given proper prep time, will undoubtedly have to take some “stress” leave to recover from any unprepared, unplanned trip. So in order to avoid the need for meds, my manager gave me two weeks notice that she would like me to attend a meeting at her office. Nice work. Travel prep begins. First and foremost I pretend I do not even have to take the train for the first week, hoping there might be some kind of natural disaster that happens therefore nullifying the whole need for travel in the first place. Natural disaster did not pan out so I had to move onto phase 2. This next stage of planning has me researching the route on line, finding out how much exact change I will need to get on the train and pre-planning the cross shoulder purse, flat shoes (for the get away) and small, undisclosed weapons. Four days before I had the wherewithal to ask my manager about the forthcoming trip whereupon she informed me that I needed to get off the train and get onto ANOTHER train mid way through! (I am figuring this could be why she gave me two weeks notice. I mean really? Two trains? That’s a bit much don’t ya think?) So I write out careful directions about where to get off the first train, where to get on the second train and where the heck to get off to attend this meeting.
The morning arrives and I am prepared. Of course there are things you can never plan for, like people who SMELL and little gangster wannabes who, with their hats pushed sideways, tattoos, earrings and jeans with the crotch down to their knees, talk on their phones like the are all that and a slice of bread, not to mention the odd few who get on the train who look like they haven’t showered in over two weeks and are all shifty eyed and stuff (my manager was clearly lying when she said most of the people on the train were going to be students. Really, why does that student have a plastic bag with all his worldly possessions and look like he hasn’t shaved in two years?) I did however get a very huge reminder about why I hate transit: RUDE PEOPLE! I am still amazed at how rude people can be. At least the only rude person is my car is ME!
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