Well, obviously, to start off, getting into a verbal or written pissing match with a crazy person is like hitting yourself over the head with a hammer repeatedly and wondering why the pain won’t go away. Until recently, I had assumed that all humans had just a teeny bit of common sense and respect. I WAS WRONG! Oh boy, was I wrong. You see, I recently had the misfortune of engaging in a written bitch fest with a person who shall be forever, in my mind, called: BatShitCrazy. Ms. BatShit figured it was her right to verbally abuse a volunteer and send this abuse out globally. Yes, to everyone. I figured her motive in doing this was to garner support for her “opinion” and possibly start a little bitch riot. What she got however, was a large number of people who were amazed at her disgusting display of disrespect. This was not the first time BatShitCrazy went on a written attack. This time however, I decided I had had enough. Someone needed to point out to her that she was crossing a line and entering into the realm of people who have no regard for others feelings or respect for others. So I eloquently told her so. To which I received a reply that I can only say was written by someone who needs to have their mood altering medication checked by a doctor every six months. I was shocked (as were others). What level of crazy do you have to be NOT to understand that you are wrong and your actions are hurtful? I figure when it is pointed out to a person that they have been acting disrespectfully the last thing most people do is try to justify their actions! Don’t get me wrong here, I don’t regret getting into this particular pissing match, mostly because there did not appear to be a single person around who was willing to point out to BatShitCrazy that she was being a bitch and no one seemed to want to stand up for the victim, even though many people wanted to talk about how wrong the written verbal abuse was (sort of now figuring out why no one want to engage in this particular match, with this particular person). I figure BatShitCrazy will just continue going about her business attacking people until someone has the balls to stand up and tell her she is wrong.
Lesson learned: You cannot reason with crazy people, but it is sure the hell is entertaining trying!