For a brief moment I would like to take a commercial break from sarcasm and actually send a shout out to my people. Yes, I know it’s not like me to do this but heck it’s been one of those weeks.
I have had times in my life that have been so stressful that I honestly wonder how I made it through. (For those of you who require a visual think me, my car, driving at mach speed into a Tim Hortons, smashing through the window, getting out of the car and eating every donut in sight until the police or that "special" police car comes to get me. The only thing stopping me is thinking about the 3.2 million calories I would ingest.) This week I have had a couple of friends inadvertently be there for me without knowing how much their time and/or words really helped keep me from the crazy bin. Small gestures to them yes, huge to me. It got me thinking about how a friend can pull you through difficult times and how important it is to be a good friend. I believe the saying is true: Good friends last a lifetime. I also believe that people are brought into your life for a reason – good or bad and that you attract those people to you. I can also say that I have been seriously blessed in the friend department. I have neighbours who have become some of my closest friends, ex-coworkers who have become so seriously dear to me and people I have met through sport, school and of course running that have forever changed my life. To you all – I will, for now, raise my celery stick but mark my words come summer time I will have a martini to thank you all. (One of said friends better walk my drunken ass home after the “I love you man” celebration. Thank you in advance.)